How to Choose the Right Notebook for Your Workflow

Notebooks are more than just paper—they’re essential tools for capturing ideas, staying organized, and boosting productivity. Over the years, I’ve experimented with different styles, from feature-packed journals to minimalist designs, and found value in both approaches.

Here’s why flexibility and simplicity matter when choosing the best notebook.

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Why Versatility and Simplicity Both Matter

1. Feature-Packed Journals for Organization

The Lochby journal has been one of my go-to tools for staying organized. With space for multiple notebooks, back storage compartments, and even a ruler, it’s perfect for managing multiple projects in one place. It’s durable, functional, and great for those who prefer structure.

2. The Freedom of Naked Notebooks

Recently, I’ve started using uncovered notebooks for productivity. They’re lightweight, informal, and easy to carry. Without a cover, they feel approachable and less precious—I can toss one in my coat pocket, let it get scuffed, and not worry about keeping it pristine. This makes it perfect for jotting down ideas on the go without overthinking.

3. Small Spiral Notebooks for Quick Notes

For those quick, spontaneous moments, I rely on pocket-sized spiral-ring notebooks. Paired with the right pen, they’re incredibly convenient. I keep one within reach for when inspiration strikes, or I need to make a note quickly.

Read More: How to Use Field Notes Special Edition for Your B2B Marketing Strategy

The Best Notebook is the One You Use

Whether it’s structured journals for organization with plenty of features or a simple, no-frills notebook, the best choice is the right notebook for workflow. Notebooks should make capturing your thoughts easy, adapt to your needs, and inspire creativity. Find what works for you and let it become a natural part of your daily routine.

Additional Resources

→ My Lead Generation Reading List

$100M Offers by Alex Hormozi

$100M Leads by Alex Hormozi

Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

The Art and Business of Writing by Nicolas Cole

Founder Brand by Dave Gerhardt

Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross & Marylou Tyler

The Challenger Sale by Matthew Dixon & Brent Adamson

→ My Sales & Marketing Stack

Notion (Productivity)

Close (My CRM) 

Kit (Email Marketing) 

Apollo (Listbuilding) 

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